Hello, my name is Adhy Wiranto Sudjana, my friends called me Adhy. I'm an Informatics Engineering graduate passionate about coding and new technologies, creative, great contributor, loves Artificial Intelligence things, proficient in Web Development and Software Engineering.
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K-KPOP, POP, and RnB.
Casual games
Javascript, PHP, Java, Node.js, Express.js, React.js, Laravel, MongoDB, MySQL
Figma, Adobe XD
Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Canva, Ms. Word, Ms. Powerpoint
Find My Hobby merupakan website yang berisi daftar hobi dan rekomendasi hobi yang banyak digemari orang-orang.
Open-Blog merupakan projek website blogging open-source untuk keperluan pribadi atau komersial.
Web yang berisi data para alumni dengan fitur berita, forum bisnis, dan komunitas.
Bachelor of Informatics Engineering, Pasundan University, Bandung
Laboratory Assistant of Informatics Engineering Department, Pasundan University, Bandung
"Workipedia Class Spill The Tech." By Ziliun & Telkomsel
"Sosialisasi Penerapan Peraturan IMEI." By Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika
"Success Mindset Seminar 5." By Dinasti Motekar Academy
"The Arts of Modern Hardware for E-Sports and Creative Industry." By Pasundan University, Bandung
"Seminar Pendidikan Anti Narkoba: Generasi Sehat, Bebas Narkoba." By Badan Narkotika Nasional